All Projects
Cognition and Sociality
Havlickova Karolina
Mortality in American Novels (1900-1999). A Quantitative Analysis
2015-03-08 - 2015-06-30
Sridhar Hari
Naeem revisits Naeem et al. 1994: reading between the lines of a scientific paper
2020-02-13 - 2020-03-11
Cognition and Sociality
Lalouschek Wolfgang
Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Entscheidungsfindung
1990-07-01 - 1992-07-31
Philosophy of Biology
Eronen Markus
New Perspectives on Levels of Organization in Biology
2017-03-22 - 2017-03-25
Cognition and Sociality
Beck Naomi
Of Unintended Consequences: Evolution and Free Market in Hayek´ Thought
2010-09-01 - 2011-08-31
Zimm Roland
On the origins of stability, complexity and novelties: Insights from a general model of development
2017-10-15 - 2018-04-14
Philosophy of Biology
Rupik Gregory
Organismal Agency in Romantic Biology and Today
2019-02-01 - 2019-07-31
Arnellos Argyris
Organizational Requirements and Regulation for Organismal Development and Maintenance
2013-11-01 - 2016-07-31
Cognition and Sociality
Maier Robert
Outline of a Theory and a Model of Ontogenetic and Historic Knowledge Development as a Revision of Piaget’s Theory
2011-10-10 - 2011-10-21
Bajer-Molnár Orsolya
Preaction Plan – Implementing Disease Prevention in Modern Society
2020-11-01 - 2022-10-31