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Inherency and Agency in the Evolution of Development

Stuart A. NEWMAN (New York Medical College), 8 April 2021, 4.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Does baby size matter? Unexpected similarities in human and chimpanzee pelvises

Chimpanzees appear to possess similar obstetric adaptations in their pelvis as humans, despite giving birth to much smaller babies. KLI fellow Nicole Grunstra explains these findings under a facilitated variation hypothesis.


Thinking Ecologically about Cities: A Global South Perspective

Harini NAGENDRA (Azim Premji University), 1 April 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


The KLI 2021 Spring Colloquium is Here!

Announcing our colloquium speakers and titles.


ClimArtLab Project: Evolving Futures by Owning our Mess

KLI Scientific Director Guido Caniglia and Dominika Glogowski at artEC/Oindustry kicked off the project with a keynote presentation and a zoom-and-greet.


Sifting through the shapeshifters: interview with Alice Laciny on parasite-induced morphologies in ants

KLI Alice Laciny's review is the first piece of scholarship to comprehensively synthesize what we know about parasites that affect ant morphology.


Why Feminist Philosophy of Science?

Sharon CRASNOW (Norco College) & Kristen INTEMANN (Montana State University), 11 March 2021, 5.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


How Molecular Forces and Rotating Planets Create Life

New book by Jan Spitzer reconceptualizes the origin of life on Earth.


New morphometric methods to break down organismal shape into adaptive and neutrally evolving components improve phylogenetic reconstruction

A group around KLI fellow Nicole Grunstra and Philipp Mitteroecker developed new methods to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships from morphology.


Neanderthal feces on fire illuminates gut microbiome features

KLI fellow Stephanie Schnorr writes about her latest paper in Communications Biology.


Telling stories to make a difference: Anna Sundermann on Nachhaltigkeit Erzählen

We interviewed KLI fellow Anna Sundermann on the launch of a new book that investigates storytelling for sustainability communication.


Pregnant females as historical individuals: an insight from the philosophy of evo-devo

Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavlicev and Arantza Etxeberria propose a solution to the individuality of pregnancy.


Scientists’ responsibility for global futures

In a perspective piece for AAAS's Science and Diplomacy, scientific director Guido Caniglia and coauthors call for a new convention for science diplomacy.


Art-Science Performance: The Colony

Join us for a screening and discussion of the evo devo art science performance THE COLONY: 28 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join the virtual event please register with Zoom.


KLI fellow in The Economist! On making money from sewage in Kolkata

KLI alum Amitangshu Acharya and coauthor Sudipto Sanyal write about Kolkata's "Black Gold."


New fellow at the KLI: Luis Alejandro Villanueva Hernández

Welcoming Alejandro back as a postdoc fellow!


The Modern State and the Glass Ceiling for a Sustainability Transformation – a Systems Perspective

Daniel HAUSKNOST (Vienna University of Economics and Business), 21 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Why the Future Needs More Transdisciplinary Research and Universities: Theories, Competences, and Cases from the Field

Gerald STEINER (Donau University Krems), 14 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.