Evolutionary Theories for Social-Ecological Change
Working Group Presentation on 20 April, 2023, 3.00 pm. To join the hybrid event please register with Zoom.
Evolutionary Political Economy: Transformation and Simulation
Manuel SCHOLZ-WÄCKERLE (Vienna University of Economics and Business), 29 April 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
Evolutionary Foundationalism and the Myth of the Chemical Given
KLI Colloquium: Denis WALSH (University of Toronto), 30 April, 5.00 pm
Evolutionary biologist Daniel Brooks visits the KLI
In November, we welcomed Prof. Daniel R Brooks into the KLI as a visitor. Prof Brooks is an evolutionary biologist who pioneered the integration of phylogenetic information and ecology and behavior, with a personal focus on parasite-host systems.
Evolutionary anthropologist Nicole Torres Tamayo visits the KLI
Her KLI Visiting Fellowship facilitated a collaborative project with resident KLI Fellow and evolutionary anthropologist Nicole Grunstra on the adaptive covariation between pelvic and thoracic morphology in humans.
Evolution, Umwelten, and the Possibility of Planetary Aesthetics
KLI Colloquium: Andrew S. YANG (Chicago Art Institute), 21 October 2019, 5.00 pm
Ethnobiological studies should not assume cultural consensus of knowledge
New paper led by KLI fellow Vitor Renck, found very little consensus in the way a fishing community classified fishes.
Eternity Costs and Wicked Legacies: Unacknowledged constraints to a sustainability transformation?
KLI Colloquium: Verena WINIWARTER (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), 26 February, 5.00 pm.
Environment and Success in Human Evolution
KLI Lab: Hugh DESMOND (KU Leuven), Friday 13 December, 12.00 pm.
Engineering Human Nature in the Paleolithic: Constructing the Niche of Shared Intentionality
KLI Colloquium: Ivan GONZALEZ-CABRERA (KLI), 12 March, 5.00 pm
Emergence of scientific understanding in real-time ecological research practice
KLI fellow Luana Poliseli develops a nuanced account of scientific understanding grounded in ethnographic studies.
Elise Richter Grant for KLI Alumn Barbara FISCHER
Congratulations to KLI Alumn Barbara FISCHER (University of Vienna) who received an Elise Richter Grant by the Austrian National Fund (FWF) for her project "Why is childbirth so difficult in humans?"
EDI Matters: How Institutions Reap Tangible Benefits by Investing in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Kevin LALAND (University of St. Andrews), 12 May 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
Ecomorphological study of the cranial variation in prehistoric populations from Peru
New paper by Lumila Menéndez investigates the cranial variation in prehistoric populations from Peru.
Ecological utopianism in Narodnik thought: Nikolay Chernyshevsky and the redemption of land
New paper by KLI fellow Marco P. Vianna Franco situates Nikolay Chernyshevsky's work in the history of ecological economic thought.
Eco-Evo-Devo in Action: Parasite-Induced Morphologies in Ants
Virtual KLI Colloquium: Alice LACINY (KLI), 30 June 2020, 5.00 pm. To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom. Deadline for the registration: 3 pm on the day of the talk—no admission in the room after 5:05 pm!
EASPLS 2020 – Mentoring Sessions
EASPLS Consortium is committed to support early career researchers working in the philosophy of the life sciences by offering virtual mentoring sessions (from 7 to 11 September 2020) on highly relevant topics for young researchers.
EASPLS 2018 Abstract Booklet
The European Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences will take place at the KLI from 10 to 14 September. The program and abstract booklet is now available!
Dynamics and Stability of Multicultures. A theoretical perspective based on Language Games.
KLI Colloquium: Harold de VLADAR (KLI), Thursday 15 November, 3.00 pm.
Does baby size matter? Unexpected similarities in human and chimpanzee pelvises
Chimpanzees appear to possess similar obstetric adaptations in their pelvis as humans, despite giving birth to much smaller babies. KLI fellow Nicole Grunstra explains these findings under a facilitated variation hypothesis.