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Franz Manfred Wuketits †

We are sad to announce that Professor Franz Manfred Wuketits, a former member of the Board of Directors and the first Scientific Director of the KLI (1990/91) passed away on June 6th. We will remember him as one of the founding fathers of the KLI and a highly esteemed colleague and friend.


Darwin’s Invisible Ink: How Ancestral Developmental Potential Facilitates Convergence and the Evolution of Novelty

KLI Colloquium: Rajendhran RAJAKUMAR (Harvard Medical School), 12 June, 2018, 3.00 pm.


Plant Stress Physiology

KLI Colloquium: Özlem YILMAZ (KLI), 5 June, 3.00 pm


Launch of the new Homepage

The new KLI Homepage will be launched on October 6th, 2017.


Editing Genomes with CRISPR

The KLI supports the upcoming workshop "Editing Genomes with CRISPR" that aims to discuss the potential impact and challenges while exploring the scientific, ethical, and societal issues inherent in genome-editing research.


A Brief Introduction to Cognostics

KLI Colloquium: Albrecht von Müller (Parmenides Center for the Study of Thinking, Pullach / Munich), 7 May, 3.00 pm.


Organismic Constraints on Somatic Evolution of Lymphocytes

KLI Colloquium: Bartlomiej SWIATCZAK (University of Science and Technology of China), 24 May, 3.00 pm


Musical Capacities and Social Interaction: A Coevolutionary Approach

KLI Colloquium: Luis Alejandro Villanueva (KLI), 3 May, 3.00 pm


The Inheritance of Small RNAs – A Case for Theoretical Pluralism?

KLI Colloquium: Sophie Veigl, 26 April, 3.00 pm


Studying the “Exploding Ants” of Southeast Asia

KLI Colloquium: Alice Laciny (Natural History Museum Vienna & University of Vienna), 7 June, 3.00 pm


Influence of Diet Texture on Human Facial and Mandibular Variation: South America as a Study Case

KLI Colloquium: Lumila Menéndez (University of Tübingen), 19 April, 3.00 pm


Normative Cognition: A Research Roadmap

KLI Colloquium: Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera, 12 April, 3.00 pm


Off-year Workshop: EASPLS Call for Applications

ISHPSSB Off-year workshop, organized by S. Leonelli & T. Reydon: 5th EASPLS: Interdisciplinarity in the Life Sciences and their Philosophy 10–14 September 2018 Student travel grants available! Deadline: 31 March


Exploring the Microbial Gene Landscape for Evidence of Lipid Nutritional Pathways to Support Brain Growth

KLI Colloquium: Stephanie Schnorr, on 15 March, 3.00 pm.


Interdisciplinarity in the Life Sciences and their Philosophy

TRAVEL FUNDS AVAILABLE! The 5th EASPLS has been selected as ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshop. Application Deadline is extended to March 31st. Travel funds are available (please contact the ISHPSSB treasurer for further information)!


Travel Grants for EASPLS 2018!

The 5th EASPLS has been selected as an ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshop. ISHPSSB will provide travel grants for this event. The program committee has, thus, decided to extend the deadline for applications for EASPLS to March 31st.


Human Brain and Behavioral Development: A Dynamical System’s View of Human Development from Morphogenesis of the Brain in Embryo to Emergence of Behaviors in Infants

Prof. Gentaro Taga (University of Tokyo & KLI) will be giving a KLI Colloquium on 1 March, 3.00 pm.


Lecture Series in Cognitive Biology

Isabella Sarto-Jackson (KLI) will be giving a lecture series in Cognitive Biology at the Comenius University in Bratislava. Course is open to cognitive science and biology students of all levels.


Tool Migration: A Framework for Analyzing Cross-disciplinary Use of Formal Systems

KLI Colloquium: Chia-Hua Lin on Thu 22 February, 3.00 pm