KLI Colloquia are informal, public talks that are followed by extensive dissussions. Speakers are KLI fellows or visiting researchers who are interested in presenting their work to an interdisciplinary audience and discussing it in a wider research context. We offer three types of talks:
1. Current Research Talks. KLI fellows or visiting researchers present and discuss their most recent research with the KLI fellows and the Vienna scientific community.
2. Future Research Talks. Visiting researchers present and discuss future projects and ideas togehter with the KLI fellows and the Vienna scientific community.
3. Professional Developmental Talks. Experts about research grants and applications at the Austrian and European levels present career opportunities and strategies to late-PhD and post-doctoral researchers.
- The presentation language is English.
- If you are interested in presenting your current or future work at the KLI, please contact the Scientific Director or the Executive Manager.
Event Details

Topic description:
In this talk I will first argue why the concept of autonomy is of fundamental importance for building a unified view of what current biological knowledge presents as a highly complex and diverse world of phenomena. Second, I will briefly examine how the idea of autonomy was introduced and developed in biology. And third, I will analyze why --and how-- this “classical” concept of autonomy should be radically amended. In this last part I will pay attention especially to two questions: the relation between the individualized dimension where autonomy is embodied and its historical dimension; and the relation of individual realizations of autonomy with the interdependent, collective forms of organization.
Biographical note:
Alvaro Moreno is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). He founded, more than 20 years ago, the Research Group in philosophy of biology IAS Research Center for Life, Mind & Society. A.M. has become one of the researchers of reference in Europe in the areas of philosophy of biology, artificial life, complex systems and cognitive science. He has authored more than 150 scientific publications (including 2 monographs and 4 edited volumes) and almost as many papers in national and international conferences.