Person Details

Eva Zaffarini is a PhD candidate at the Cumming School of Medicine of the University of Calgary, where she works in the Hallgrímsson Lab. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences in 2016 and her Master's degree in Biology at the University of Milan-Bicocca in 2019. Her Master thesis, completed at the University of Vienna, focused on the societal transitions that cause high rates of c-sections worldwide, and on the sexual dimorphism of chimpanzee pelvises. Her current research focuses on the genetic factors and developmental processes underlying the covariation between skull shape and pelvic shape, particularly in relation to cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) and the evolution of childbirth.
Other projects she participated in include the study of the development of mouse craniofacial sexual dimorphism, the study of human syndromes that result in craniofacial phenotypes, and the assessment of the precision of photogrammetry software.