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COVID-19 has revealed that science needs to learn how to better deal with the irreducible uncertainty that comes with global systemic risks as well as with the social responsibility of science towards the public good. Further developing the epistemological principles of new theories and experimental practices, alternative investigative pathways and communication, and diverse voices can be an important contribution of history and philosophy of science and of science studies to ongoing transformations of the scientific enterprise.
Principle 3: We need to support diverse voices for equity, diversity, and inclusion in research and to increase quality and effectiveness of scientific knowledge. This will only be possible if we strive hard to to overcome systemic injustice in science and amplify marginalized voices.
For more details read the full text "COVID-19 heralds a new epistemology of science for the public good" in the topical collection "Seeing Clearly Through COVID-19."
Caniglia, G., Jaeger, C., Schernhammer, E. et al. COVID-19 heralds a new epistemology of science for the public good. HPLS 43, 59 (2021).