News Details

We are welcoming the fall-winter term with an excellent list of speakers and events. The events will be held in a hybrid (online + physical) format so that we can continue to reach our friends and colleagues around the world while maintaining a safe environment for in-person socialization.
Our colloquium series usually takes place on Thursdays 3pm (CET) and will be announced a week in advance by email. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates and notifications.
Here's our latest program:
Oct 8: SEC-KLI joint lecture/colloquium (special colloquium)
Evolutionary Approaches to Social-Ecological Change
Speakers: Maja Schlüter (Stockholm University), Thomas Currie (Exeter), Monique Borgerhoff Mulder (UC Davis).
Faciliator: Guido Caniglia (KLI)
Discussants: Simone Gingrich, Martin Schmid (SEC)
Oct 28
Antoine Missemer (CNRS/CIRED Nogent-sur-Marne)
Do economic words harm sustainability? Some lessons from conceptual history
Nov 11
Gregor Greslehner (University of Vienna)
Two dogmas of molecular biology: What is the explanatory role of the sequence-structure-function relationship?
Nov 18
Daniel Brooks (University of Toronto)
The major metaphors of evolution: Darwinism then and now
Dec 1 (Wed) 3pm, Meet the editors & authors (special colloquium)
Global epistemologies and philosophies of science
Dec 9
Christine Marizzi (Biotop, Villach / Cold Spring Harbor Lab, New York)
BioBus - Driving community science and education
Jan 13 (Thurs) 3pm, Meet the editors & authors (special colloquium)
Seeing clearly through COVID-19: current and future questions for the history and philosophy of the life sciences
Jan 20
Caitlin McDonough-Goldstein (University of Vienna)
Possibilities of queer and feminist reproductive biology
Jan 26 (Wed)
Sandra Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh)
Through the fractured looking glass
You can download the flyer here.