Event Calendar
Altenberg Workshop
2025-06-17 12:00 - 2025-06-20 12:00
The Waddingtonian Landscape: Rediscovering Conrad Hal Waddington’s Legacies in Biology and Beyond
43rd Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology
Cooperative Event
2025-03-28 9:00 - 2025-03-28 17:30
Bindung & Beziehung: Schnittstelle Neurobiologie & Soziale Arbeit
Isabella Sarto-Jackson (KLI)
Rathaus Wien
KLI Colloquia
2025-01-23 15:00 - 2025-01-23 16:30
The Danube's Industrialization. A Co-Evolutionary Environmental History
Martin SCHMID (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU))
KLI Colloquia
2025-01-16 15:00 - 2025-01-16 16:30
Urban Morphometrics: A Tale of Space, Cities and Cultural Evolution
Sergio PORTA (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow)
Cooperative Event
2024-12-16 14:00 - 2024-12-16 17:00
Visit of the Cognitive Science Students of the University of Vienna
Introduction of KLI Fellows´ Research Projects
KLI Colloquia
2024-12-05 15:00 - 2024-12-05 16:30
Inductive Logic: Its Philosophy and Contemporary Significance
Simon HUTTEGGER (University of California, Irvine)
KLI Colloquia
2024-11-28 15:00 - 2024-11-28 16:30
The Evolution of Human Birth
Barbara FISCHER (KLI & University of Vienna)
KLI Colloquia
2024-11-21 15:00 - 2024-11-21 16:30
How to Succeed in Science: Work Hard, Build Relationships – and Be Lucky
Sarah DAVIES (University of Vienna)
KLI Colloquia
2024-11-14 15:00 - 2024-11-14 16:30
Agency in the Evolutionary Transition to Multicellularity
Stuart A. NEWMAN (New York Medical College)
KLI Colloquia
2024-11-07 14:00 - 2024-11-07 19:00
Book Symposium and Book Launch: Evolution Evolving (Princeton University Press)
Kevin LALA (University of St. Andrews, UK)
KLI Colloquia
2024-10-24 15:00 - 2024-10-24 16:30
Decoupling of Pregnant and Nonpregnant Cycle Enables the Evolution of Mammalian Gestation Length and Body Size
Mihaela PAVLIČEV (University of Vienna)
Altenberg Workshop
2024-10-08 6:00 - 2024-10-11 14:00
Aims, Norms, and Values in Scientific Classification for Biodiversity Conservation
42nd Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology
KLI Colloquia
2024-10-03 15:00 - 2024-10-03 16:30
Life History Theory in the Clinics: Chances and Pitfalls
Martin BRÜNE (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Summer School
2024-09-09 12:00 - 2024-09-13 12:00
Explanation and Evidence in Biology and Medicine
7th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS)
2024-06-24 19:00 - 2024-06-24 20:30
So früh wie möglich? Frühkindliche Förderung aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht
Isabella Sarto-Jackson, Natascha Taslimi, Yvonne Anders, Fabienne Becker-Stoll
Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27a, 1010 Wien
2024-06-24 15:00 - 2024-06-24 19:00
Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain
Satellite Event to the FENS Forum 2024
Sky Lounge, University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna
Altenberg Workshop
2024-06-18 12:00 - 2024-06-21 12:00
Sociocultural EvoDevo: Cultural Neurobiological Inheritance Systems (CNIS)
41st Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology
KLI Colloquia
2024-06-13 15:00 - 2024-06-13 17:00
Parametric General Systems Theory and How to Apply It
Ievgeniia IVANOVA (University of Stirling)
KLI Colloquia
2024-06-06 15:00 - 2024-06-06 17:00
Co(w)-Evolution: Dairying from the Holocene to the Anthropocene in German Speaking Europe
Juno SALAZAR PARREÑAS (Cornell University, New York)
KLI Special Event
2024-06-05 19:00 - 2024-06-05 20:00
Das Konrad Lorenz Institut für Evolutions- und Kognitionsforschung stellt sich vor
Gerd B. Müller, Philipp Mitteroecker, Barbara Fischer