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Philosophy of Biology
Bock Emily R.

Theoretical Genealogies of Adaptation

2021-11-22 - 2021-12-06

Sustainability Research
Brooks Daniel R.

The Evolutionary Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases

2021-11-17 - 2021-11-27

Sustainability Research
Missemer Antoine

What Dialogue between Economics and the Natural Sciences on Sustainability?

2021-10-25 - 2021-10-30

Sustainability Research
Knickel Marina

Capacity to Co-Learn and Adapt in Transformation-Oriented Multi-Actor Research

2021-10-15 - 2022-04-14

Philosophy of Biology
Mermans Ely

The Role of Non-Epistemic, Ethical Values in the Keystone Species Debate

2021-10-15 - 2022-09-30

Torres Tamayo Nicole

Adaptations in the Pelvic Floor to Inner Organ Support in Humans

2021-10-11 - 2021-10-30

Sustainability Research
Njwaxu Afika

Assessing the Prevalence of Cultural Keystone Species in the Wild Coast, South Africa

2021-10-01 - 2022-03-31

Villegas Cristina

Evolutionary Propensities and their Evolution

2021-09-01 - 2022-10-31

Sustainability Research
Hu Cameron

Scenario Planning and the Anticipatory Epistemologies of Planetary Governance

2021-06-01 - 2022-08-31

Philosophy of Biology
Rendl Lois Marie

Hegel and Cohen on the Idea of Life or Teleology as a Principle of Science

2021-05-01 - 2021-10-31

EvoDevo Cognition and Sociality
Villanueva Hernández Luis Alejandro

Social Affordances in the Transmission and Evolution of Music: A Theoretical Evo-Devo Approach

2021-01-15 - 2023-03-14

Bajer-Molnár Orsolya

Preaction Plan – Implementing Disease Prevention in Modern Society

2020-11-01 - 2022-10-31

Sustainability Research
Lehner Lisa

Living with Infectivity

2020-10-01 - 2021-03-31

Philosophy of Biology Sustainability Research
Vianna Franco Marco

A History of Ecological Economic Thought

2020-10-01 - 2023-01-31