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Schrödinger’s What is Life? 75 Years On

KLI "Current Research Talk" by Daniel NICHOLSON (KLI): 8 October 2019, 5.00 pm


Science Award for Barbara Fischer

Postdoctoral fellow Barbara Fischer received the 2017 Science Award of the Government of Lower Austria for her work on the evolution of the human pelvis. Barbara is an evolutionary biologist who studies the obstetric dilemma and why childbirth is so hard in humans.


Science Diplomacy in the Post-COVID World

Mandë HOLFORD (CUNY) & Marga GUAL SOLER (SciDipGLOBAL), 22 April 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Science outreach: Isabella Sarto-Jackson explains how abuse and stress change the young brain, in Austrian national newspaper `Die Presse´

Isabella Sarto-Jackson was featured in the Austrian national newspaper 'Die Presse', in an article titled, “Missbrauch und Stress verändern das junge Gehirn” (translation: abuse and stress change the young brain), in the section 'Neurobiologie'. In this article by Cornelia Grobner, which was posted on 19 October 2024, Isabella explains how negative experiences in early childhood and adolescence can deeply impact the growth and development of the brain. (Click on title to read more.)


Science outreach: Why do we have earlobes? They make no evolutionary sense! Anne Le Maître explains the complex evolution of the mammalian ear in online magazine Popular Science

KLI Fellow Anne Le Maître was interviewed by Lauren Leffer for the online magazine Popular Science, along with two other scientists, viz., Mark Coleman (Associate professor of anatomy at Western Atlantic University School of Medicine, the Bahamas) and Bridget Alex (paleoanthropologist, Harvard University). In the recent article posted on 6 September 2024, titled, “Why do we have earlobes? They make no evolutionary sense”, Anne explains the complexity of the inner and middle ear in mammals, including humans, and the evolutionary transition from ancestral forms still seen in birds and crocodiles to their present mammalian form. (Click on title to continue...)


Scientists’ responsibility for global futures

In a perspective piece for AAAS's Science and Diplomacy, scientific director Guido Caniglia and coauthors call for a new convention for science diplomacy.


Searching for the Boundaries of Brain Circuit Disorders

Marco TREVEN (Medical University of Vienna), 2023-11-16 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Season´s Greetings

Dear Friends of the KLI! We want to express our thanks to all friends, colleagues, and collaboration partners. We wish you a joyful holiday season and a Happy New Year, and look forward to further productive collaborations. Staff & fellows of the KLI


Season´s Greetings

To all Friends of the KLI


Seeing Clearly through COVID-19: Current and Future Questions for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Meet the Editors & Authors (History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences), 13 January 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Self-cognition with Sensorial Diversity

Roberto CAZZOLLA GATTI (University of Bologna) 2022-12-01 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Seminar »Das soziale Gehirn« 17 März 2021 – Pro Juventute Akademie, Salzburg

Seminar (in German) for social workers and pedagogues at Pro Juventute Akademie (Salzburg). Speaker: Isabella Sarto-Jackson Title: »Das soziale Gehirn«


Sifting through the shapeshifters: interview with Alice Laciny on parasite-induced morphologies in ants

KLI Alice Laciny's review is the first piece of scholarship to comprehensively synthesize what we know about parasites that affect ant morphology.


Single Arm Use in Octopuses and Motor Control by Prediction Error

KLI Colloquium: Sidney CARLS DIAMANTE (KLI), 6 September, 2018, 3.00 pm


Social Immunity

VIRTUAL KLI COLLOQUIUM: Sylvia CREMER (IST Austria), 21 April, 5.00 pm. For pre-registered participants only!


Social Interaction and Material Culture in the Transmission of Music: An Evo-Devo Approach

Luis Alejandro VILLANUEVA HERNANDEZ (KLI) 2023-03-30 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Social Selection and the Evolutionary Origins of the Human Face

KLI Lab: Adam WILKINS (Humboldt University, Berlin), 27 November, 12.00 pm.


Social-Ecological Perspectives on Forest Transitions

KLI Colloquium: Simone GINGRICH (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), 3 March 2020, 5.00 pm


Socio-Epistemic and Material Pathways to Novelty and Innovation

Markus PESCHL (University of Vienna), 2023-11-23 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Solving a Human Anatomy Puzzle: Virtual Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of a High-Altitude Peruvian Skull

Current Research Talk by Lumila MENÉNDEZ (KLI) on 15 January, 2019, 4.00 pm.