Ameisen und ihre Parasiten bieten Einblicke in die Mechanismen von Entwicklung und Evolution
An Elephant in the Room? The Place of Science and Scientists in Conservation Decision Making in India
Hari SRIDHAR (KLI), 2024-04-25 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom
Animal Models of Pain and the Puzzle of Similarity
Current Research Talk in the KLI Colloquium series: Nina ATANASOVA (University of Toledo & KLI), 25 June, 5.00 pm.
Announcing Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide
Laura Nuño de la Rosa and Gerd B. Müller brought together an integrated set of reflections on major current issues in evo-devo
Announcing the 2021-2022 Fall-Winter Colloquium
Featuring six talks and three special colloquia
Announcing the 2022 Fall-Winter KLI Colloquium Series!
Three book symposia and four fellow talks will be hosted at the KLI. External guests are welcome.
Announcing the 2022 Spring-Summer KLI Colloquium
Save the dates! The colloquium series will continue to be available for free and online as a hybrid event.
Announcing the Spring-Summer 2024 edition of the KLife Newsletter!
The Spring-Summer 2024 KLife Newsletter is here!! As always, there has been a flurry of activities at the KLI. We bring you news of successful collaborative efforts, new Fellows joining us, upcoming events to look forward to, and new publications. We hope you enjoy reading about these and more in this edition. (Click on the title to read more)
Are Infants Conscious?
KLI Colloquium: Claudia PASSOS-FERREIRA (Center for Bioethics, New York University), 19 June, 2018, 10.00 am.
Arriving at the KLI: An informal introduction to my work and ideas
Inaugural Lecture of the the New Scientific Director of the KLI Guido CANIGLIA, Tuesday 6 November, 3.00 pm.
Art-Science Performance: The Colony
Join us for a screening and discussion of the evo devo art science performance THE COLONY: 28 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join the virtual event please register with Zoom.
Autocatalytic Sets and the Origin of Life
Current Research Talk in the KLI Colloquium series: Wim HORDIJK (KLI), 3 July, 4.00 pm.
Barbara Fischer (KLI) on Austrian National Television
ORF lady Barbara Stöckl interviewed Barbara Fischer (KLI) about the future of childbirth.
Barbara Fischer´s Answer to the Question ´Will we become immortal?´
Postdoctoral Fellow B. Fischer´s popular science article discussing the question of human immortality. The full article can be found in the book "Werden wir auf dem Mars leben? 33 Fragen an die Zukunft" published by the Government of Lower Austria.
Barbara Fischer´s interview in the newspaper `Der Standard´
KLI Postdoctoral Fellow Barbara Fischer talks about her research on the evolution of the human pelvis and why giving birth is so painful in humans.
Barbara Fischer´s Research Project Featured in DerStandard
KLI postdoctoral fellow Barbara Fischer explains why child birth is so difficult in humans and discusses evolutionary constraints responsible for it.
Behavior: The Missing Link to Understanding Diet and Morphology
KLI Colloquium: Mariana DUTRA FOGAÇA (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), 22 October 2020, 3.00 pm. [br] To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
Behavioural Innovations in Animals and Humans
KLI Colloquium: Sabine TEBBICH (University of Vienna), 18 June, 5.00 pm
Bio-Agency and Natural Freedom: How to Solve a Metaphysical Puzzle with the Help of Biology
KLI Colloquium: Anne Sophie MEINCKE (University of Vienna), 14 January 2020, 5.00 pm.
Biobus – Driving Community Science and Education
Christine MARIZZI (BioBus, Inc & Austrian Scientists in New York (ASciNA)), 9 December 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.