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Truth and Verification: Freire’s Dialogical Method

Kim DIAZ (University of Texas, El Paso), 7 April 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Thought anchors and concept relation games: an interview with Orsolya Bajer-Molnár on flexible tools for transdisciplinary collaborations

We talked to co-lead author of “Diversity Regained: Precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment” about the transdisciplinary methods they developed to facilitate their collaboration.


The making and breaking of minds: an interview with Isabella Sarto-Jackson

In her latest book, Dr. Sarto-Jackson talks about the role of the social environment in human brain development and what this means for how society understands and treats the youth.


The KLI stands with the people of Ukraine

We regard the Russian invasion an attack on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy, and self-determination. The KLI is part of the "Global Research Groups Supporting Ukrainian Scientists” and offers support for Ukrainian researchers.


New paper on imperialist appropriation in the world economy

Co-authored by KLI fellow Christian Dorninger, their new paper shows that rich countries rely on a large net appropriation of resources from the global South.


Forthcoming: A History of Ecological Economic Thought

New book by KLI fellow Marco P. Vianna Franco and co-author Antoine Missemer to be published in Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics


New book: The Convergent Evolution of Agriculture in Humans and Insects

A new addition to the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology at The MIT Press


Call for Applications: Sixth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS)

Hosted by PhilinBioMed, this year's theme is “Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences"


Through the Fractured Looking Glass

Sandra MITCHELL (University of Pittsburgh), 26 January 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Seeing Clearly through COVID-19: Current and Future Questions for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Meet the Editors & Authors (History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences), 13 January 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


The December 2021 issue of Biological Theory is now out!

Featuring a section commemorating Richard Lewontin (1929-2021) and a tribute to Karen Neander (1954-2020).


Mendel turns 200! New grant on Mendel's legacy in science and society

KLI alumnae Barbara Fischer, Lynn Chiu, and Philipp Mitteröcker are co-leading a project that will take place at the KLI and the Natural History Museum of Vienna.


5 KLI Writing-up Fellowships on “Cognition and Knowledge: Between Evolution and Sustainability”

Announcing 5 Writing-Up Fellowships for late-stage PhD students working on topics related to “Cognition and Knowledge: Between Evolution and Sustainability”.


What does diversity mean to you in your work and how do you approach it?

We interviewed our current cohort of dissertation writing-up fellows to explore the diversity of our "diversity" fellows.


KLI fellow Nicole Grunstra to start new postdoc at University of Vienna

She will start a FWF-funded project “Evolvability of inner and middle ears in birds and mammals."


When evodevo meets music, philosophy, and the cognitive sciences- meet Luis Alejandro Villanueva Hernández

KLI fellow Alejandro Villanueva Hernández talks about how he combines music- both through research and performances- with philosophy of the biological and cognitive sciences.


Biobus – Driving Community Science and Education

Christine MARIZZI (BioBus, Inc & Austrian Scientists in New York (ASciNA)), 9 December 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences: an interview with the editors

A book that investigates key issues on levels of organization, including new thinking on downward causation, dynamical autonomy, and compositionality in complex biological systems.


Evolutionary biologist Daniel Brooks visits the KLI

In November, we welcomed Prof. Daniel R Brooks into the KLI as a visitor. Prof Brooks is an evolutionary biologist who pioneered the integration of phylogenetic information and ecology and behavior, with a personal focus on parasite-host systems.


Historian of economic thought Antoine Missemer visits the KLI

In October, we welcomed the visiting fellow Antoine Missemer at the KLI. Antoine is a historian of economic thought based at the International Center for Research on Environment and Development (CIRED/CNRS) in Paris.